You don't. Simple as that. You will have to wait until you are 16 with parental consent, or you will have to wait until you are 18 to get it done on your own.
Unless you know a scratcher but I don't recommend that. All home made tattoos turn out terrible.How to get a tattoo when your 13 in ohio without parents ok?
Um YOU DON' Ohio it is not allowed to tattoo anyone younger than 17 without parental consent and even then it is really hard to find a reputable artist that will do it then. Most will tell you to wait until your 18. I found one just by luck that would tattoo me with my dad their when i was 17. Most places said no though because of liability because their is no way to know that that person is really your parent. The only way to get one is to find some one who does it in their house and I highly recommend NOT doing that there is so many was to get infections because you have no idea how clean their needles and supplies really are. I would wait until you are 18 and really know what you want. Make sure it means something to you and that when you 80 and saggin you will still want that tattoo on you. I have two and am on my way for my third all of my mean something and my parents know i have and we talked in details about why i want it and where to get it. If you want any more help just email!How to get a tattoo when your 13 in ohio without parents ok?
No place will do it without consent and alot places wont do it with consent unless your 16.. im speaking about legitament places that arent dirty and ghetto. Places can get shut down if they do it without consent, so if your parents find out and get pissed and find out what place did it, theyre screwed.
Besides... you shouldnt get one when your that young bc chances are the place that you will get it on your body will change and the tattoo will get ruined.
Just do get it until your parents either say it's okay or you are of age. Sometimes it's just easier to listen to your parents and not go behind their backs. For what reasons so your parents can yell at you and you are now grounded or in trouble. Some people get kicked out for these kind of things. Why risk it. You'll more than likely get caught. It's not as easy to hide as you think it is.
Your best bet is to know a tattoo guy who's willing to give you one without following the rulebook, but that shot's like one in a million.
You should just try to get multiple piercings. You could do it yourself (even girly-girls at camp do this) or try to find a store at the mall.
Well, you could take a needle from your mom's sewing kit and take any color thread you want! The best part is that you can choose any color it's great :D And then you just start sewing! But if you start bleeding a bunch it's okay! It's normal :D
I usually don't say this but since you actually asked this question, I'm just kidding.
I don't mean to sound like one of those annoying let-downers, but i honestly wouldn't do it. By the time your legal and do not need your parent's consent.. you will have had more time to decide if you want that permanent marking on your skin FOREVER! You are only 13 right now and your interests and everything will probably change, so you wouldn't want a tatoo, and then decide you don't want it. :) Hope this helped!
i am 13 i would never get a tatto. You are making a really stupid decision; it's one thing when your parents know/
think about it, don't get something stupid, or when you are really old in a retirement home you;ll be saying ';oh , wow, i got this when i was 13, i made such a stupid decision.';
remember it's gonna be there your whole life so idk how ur gunna hide it from your parents!
For crying out loud! You're 13! What you think is cool now won't be so cool when you're 30. I assume you know that tattoos are PERMANENT. Secondly, almost all tattoo artists WILL NOT tattoo a minor. If you want to spend a $100 dollars or more on something you will regret, at least wait until you are 18.
There is no way you can get a tattoo you are way to young,NO reputable artist would even allow you past the lobby.
Good luck finding someone that will tattoo a 13 year old.
You should be playing with barbies, not thinking about tattoos.
Save up your allowance for that cover up or future laser removal in 5 years.
you can't unless you find someone you know to do it .
find a friend to do it, like a friend that knows a tattoo artist
you don't.
Get your 12-year-old buddy to do it.
.....christ.... You don't, it's that simple.
Are you Stupid ?
Yes you are
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