Saturday, August 21, 2010

What lesson have you had to learn over and over again as a parent?

for me its patience. as soon as i think i have it down life sends new stages to my children and i have to start all over again.What lesson have you had to learn over and over again as a parent?
No matter what they say, most sippy cups are NOT spill proofWhat lesson have you had to learn over and over again as a parent?
Patience!!! Sometimes I'll think about something that happened where I should have shown more patience and understanding, and I'll make myself a solemn vow that I will be more patient from now on. Then, 15 minutes later when my kids do something, my vow is completely out the window and i'm exasperated all over again.
Markers are bad. Permanent markers are WMD.

Play-Doh dried in the carpet does not itself remove.

1 pkg of Stickers = 2 bottles of Goo-Be-Gone

Fish sticks CAN be successful substitutes for chicken nuggets.

No matter how hard you try to hide them, a curious 2 yr old will ALWAYS find your ';toys';.

6 yr olds can NOT keep a secret. Neither can 5 yr olds, 4 yr olds, 3 yr olds, or 2 yr olds. However, an under 1 yr old can.
For me, it's to get rid of the ';should'ves';, meaning, ';He should be hungry'; or ';He should be tired';... Basically, just because we may be on a schedule, that doesn't mean he won't be tired or hungry (or will be) like clockwork.

Allowing for variances in his routine has really lowered my stress level. Even though he ';should'; be hungry at night, there's always the possibility he won't be, and that's fine.
I will always be a work in progress as far as patience goes.

I never learn not to under estimate him. I don't know how he learns and figures things out so damn fast. He can now open all the baby gates in the house. He is tall for his age and figured it out. I have no clue what I am going to do now!!!! (besides chase him all day) ARRGGHH.
*Don't give them candy at 7pm

*bribe DOES not work

*Don't take them to the store or they will open things or ask and go wild to get it.

*Don't raise my voice because,she is a cry baby and starts getting emo

she is nothing LIKE ME

*don't buy nail polish or bring pens in the car or markers

or white out

my computer chair is colored with white out.
Patience for me as well. Also the ability to deal with the unexpected. Things will always occur out of the blue in life, but when you have a child--OH BOY! Your day could be going so smooth and BAM, a fever, a fall, puke or poo all over the car seat etc etc etc. lol.
Before I read your question details, that is exactly what I thought in my mind. Lack of patience, for me, has been my biggest problem since I was a kid. I've never been patient, and am trying my very hardest to work on it now that I have kids. I think I'm doing better, but it's a work in progress.
Patience, compassion, trust and understanding. Four very BIG lessons.

My most recent lesson:

Never leave your 1 year old in her crib overnight with just a diaper and a t-shirt. You WILL find poo smeared all over the crib in the morning! (ACK!!!)
patience most of all!!! and also to just walk away from the situation let them cry and throw their fit. When my daughter is just unmangable i go and take a bath while she thows her fit, cause if not i just lose control
It's probably that they are always watching, and listening.

I drink my milk out of the bottle, and now they do it.

I never close doors properly, and they do the same thing.

I should sign all my rights over to their day care provider, right..............
I've learned that I don't have all the answers and I don't always know what to do. I've learned its okay to ask for help and that I need time for myself!
I'm with you - patience. It is definitely a virtue in terms of raising children.
If a red Icee is left on the end table, a toddler will make sure it ends up on the carpet.
to just ignore his i hard but the more and more i ignore them the shorte and shorter his fits get...
Ill think about how hard it can be to cut or write with an opposite hand - like with kids learning to write or cut.
do not leave a toddler with the markers while you go look after the other kids.
that im not always right .

and to pick and choose you battles dont seat the small stuff .
if he's having a temper tanrum it will end sooner or later. do not give in or you'll pay for it next time!

but on the other hand.. pick your battles...
silence = toddler getting into trouble somewhere......
Not to argue over the small stuff.

Just wait till they're teenagers!
Not to give them their way no matter what the age is

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